Animal Companion Rescue Foundation

Volunteer Application

City: State: ZIP:
Home phone: Work phone: Cell phone:
Date of Birth:

Emergency Contact

Full Name:

Volunteer Information

Why are you interested in becoming a volunteer with ACRF?

Describe any previous experience working with animals.

If currently in school, indicate name of school and grade.

Please indicate the time(s) you are available to volunteer.

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Areas of volunteer interest:
Clerical Humane Education Volunteer Community Events/Fundraising Kennel Assistant Pet Photography
Animal Transport Adoption Website Adoption Counselor Medical Assistant Home Inspections
Cat Volunteer Follow-up Counselor Dog Volunteer Dog Trainer Grooming
Instructor for Volunteer Training Foster Care Facility Building and Grounds Other
If other, specify:

Please check the animals you are comfortable handling and working with: Small/Medium Dogs Cats Medium/Large Dogs Kittens Puppies

Please note: ACRF is an independent non-profit organization. We will in no way be held responsible for any adult, minor child, and/or their property during the viewing process. In submitting this form, you attest that you agree to release ACRF and its representatives from all liability for any injury or damage that may be caused by the dog to any person or property in your party while in the adoption area.

Animal Companion Rescue Foundation (ACRF) reserves the right to refuse any adoption for any reason.

This application is property of ACRF.
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